The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. The cries of the victims were drowned out by the general tumult. With piercing war cries, two forms broke from the horde before her. Brian Moynihan, 66, was on Thursday, January 21, found guilty of 12 counts of rape and two of indecent assault following a trial – and has now been warned in court that he is facing a long prison sentence… The royal princesses were insulted in the streets; and on the 29th of April 1825 Charles, when reviewing the National Guard, was met with cries from the ranks of "Down with the ministers ! In the midst of the song cries were heard, and fighting and blows in the passage and porch. 12. Thus in the Sandwich Islands the god Oro gave his oracles through a priest who "ceased to act or speak as a voluntary agent, but with his limbs convulsed, his features distorted and terrific, his eyes wild and strained, he would roll on the ground roaming at the mouth, and reveal the will of the god in shrill cries and sounds violent and indistinct, which the attending priests duly interpreted to the people.". A young man cowers and cries, perhaps in memory long after his sister is gone. All Rights Reserved. ; and cries for "Lloyd George " were raised when Mr. Law rose to play the leader's part in the debate on the Address in 1917. One choice that needs to be made is whether to demand feed when baby cries or alternatively feed baby at a set time that the parents choose, such as every four hours. 1-15, J), or who, when the child is born cries "God hath made me laugh; every one that heareth will laugh at me" (xxi. A child cries in her sleep, any night, for any number of reasons. What does cries mean? It is thought that the refrain originated as a trader's street cry. Their cries are faint squeaks and grunts. of England, he wished to negotiate personally with him at Pronne, and hardly had he reached that place when news arrived there of the revolt of Liege amid cries of Vive France. 4. Vive l'Empereur! The hare in its extremity cries like a child. It is a missed opportunity,” she said. If your baby appears to be in pain, however, as she attempts to have a bowel movement, or she cries while straining, she may indeed be constipated. In the dialogue, the prophet cries to God against continued violence and injustice, though it is not clear whether this is done within or to Israel (i. It's difficult to see war cries in a sentence . referencing Serving A Sentence Of Life / Nobody Cries, 7", Unofficial, ISC-018 Please let me know when this record is available for sale thanks Gary . Her eyes skimmed over both, and she hardened herself to the cries of the hurt as she continued forward. The sorriest things in this life will seem grandest in the next. “And this is the kind of case that cries out for a more significant sentence when you have an accused who’s clearly not remorseful and indicating he’s not going to change his offending The shouts and cries of the onlookers were deafening. As they carry the casket toward the door, the husband cries out: " Watch that wall! The first one … 3. Bitter sorrow cries to Heaven ' Can this be the Father 's will? The etymology suggested is from KwF oaav, to wail, in allusion to the cries of the dead. Recent Examples on the Web The ostensibly proper balance — confident and strong but not arrogant and aggressive, sensitive without being a crybaby — is subjective and murky. And when she cries You hear her silent screams The glass shatters the Grip on her fantasy. Thus the psalmist addressing Jehovah cries (Ps. ON THE BANKS OF THE AMAZON W.H.G. (noun)The crier continues his daily rounds, with his former chant, excepting on the Coptic New Years Day, when the cry of the Wefh is repeated, until the Salib, or Discovery of the Cross, the 26th or 27th of September, at which period, the river having attained its greatest height, he concludes his annual employment with another chant, and presents to each … Mary took leave of her first and last master with passionate anguish and many parting kisses; but in face of his enemies, and in hearing of the cries which burst from the ranks, demanding her death by fire as a murderess and harlot, the whole heroic and passionate spirit of the woman, represented by her admirers as a spiritless imbecile, flamed out in responsive threats to have all the men hanged and crucified, in whose power she now stood helpless and alone. Click on a word above to view its definition. The sounds and scents of battle were thick in the air, from clanging of metal to cries of the injured to the smell of heated bodies. In the first, John describes how the Baptist, on Jesus' approach, cries " Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of, the world "; and how he says " I saw the spirit descending upon Him, and I bore witness that this is the Son of God.". What is the sorriest thing that enters Hell? How to use cries in a sentence. When your baby cries for you to hold her, respond to those cries. One thing I never do is tell the new owner to completely ignore puppy's cries, because you never know if there's truly a problem unless you check. Whereas Aries cries out to the world for "Progress! Cries Sentence Examples In the first, John describes how the Baptist, on Jesus' approach, cries " Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of, the world "; and how he says " I saw the spirit descending upon Him, and I bore witness that this is the Son of God." 3. Other park rangers and visitors tell tales of the apparition appearing on dark nights always accompanied by cries and groans. cryhen on the run from torrid tabloid revelations, the celebrity colony usually sends out flak to distract and then predictably cries foul. Coyotes are creatures of slinking and stealthy habits, living in burrows in the plains, and hunting in packs at night, when they utter yapping cries and blood-curdling yells as they gallop. A moment where he sits on a bed and cries is absolutely truthful. DOUROUCOULI, apparently the native name (perhaps derived from their cries) of a small group of American monkeys ranging from Nicaragua to Amazonia and eastern Peru, and forming the genus Nyctipithecus. Infants have no other way to communicate their pain or needs other than by crying, and a baby that cries excessively in lieu of sleep should be investigated for a medical condition. Re: Death Sentence: Maryam Sanda Cries In Court As She Is To Die By Hanging by tbaba1234: 7:37pm On Jan 27, 2020 midnighter : I saw in the news that she actually stabbed him because he refused to divorce her. However, you need to apply proper grammar rules in any sentence. cry: [noun] an instance of crying: such as. For a while, he cries again. My cries and exclamations? Only when the victim ceased to struggle and his cries changed to a long- drawn, measured death rattle did the crowd around his prostrate, bleeding corpse begin rapidly to change places. A whippoorwill came in and sat on the banister and sung. If you are worried about your animal's reaction to a baby crying, you could play tape recordings of baby's cries several weeks in advance of your baby's birth. babbles, gurgles, giggles, sucks on her bottle or dummy and cries when waking up. author!" She babbles, gurgles, giggles, sucks on her bottle or dummy and cries when waking up. The climax came with the rumour that the court was preparing a new military coup detat, a rumour that seemed to be confirmed by indiscreet toasts proposed at a banquet by the officers of the guard at Versailles; and on the night of the 5th to the 6th of October a Parisian mob forced the king and royal family to return with them to Paris amid cries of We are bringing the baker, the bakers wife and the little bakers boy! Street cries in a sentence - Use "street cries" in a sentence 1. How to use crybaby in a sentence. Both breeds, which have short tails and small horns (present only in the rams), were regarded by the German naturalist Fitzinger as specifically distinct from the domesticated Ovis cries of Europe; and for the first type he proposed the name 0. In a few of the older districts, too, where land is least valuable, there are antique one-storeyed houses, surrounded by poplars and acacias; while the gipsies and Rumans, wearing their brightly coloured native costumes, the Russian coachmen, or sleighdrivers, of the banished Lipovan sect, and the pedlars, with their doleful street cries, render Bucharest unlike any western capital. A breeze made her curtains flutter, and she closed it, certain Claire's cries of ecstasy would soon fill the air around the mansion. Examples of sorriest in a sentence: 1. He will have to learn to settle himself back to sleep, and he can't do this if you run to his bedside every time he cries. outcry, clamor. The whole constitution of society, in fact, seems to the sage a lamentable thing: the poor are oppressed, the earth is full of their cries, and there is no helper (iv. In this sentence, "cries" is a noun acting as the direct object of the verb "heard." 13. "If a voice cries out in pain in the night," I tell them, "it's only that the love of my life needs her medication readjusted. No birds sing, unless they 're ones from far forests, drinking sea-water here, making raucous cries. They do not represent the opinions of The instant cries of Deus volt which answered the note showed that Urban had struck aright. He disappeared into the shadows of the jungle, and she pulled her knees to her chest, listening. The cries of animals are but the working of the curiously-contrived machine, in which, when one portion is touched in a certain way, the wheels and springs concealed in the interior perform their work, and, it may be, a note supposed to express joy or pain is evolved; but there is no consciousness or feeling. Your baby cries for a reason, and when you respond to his cries, you are building a deep sense of love and trust. Here "jail" is part of the compound verb "would jail." Meaning of cries. Then again, I have also heard cries from them that what they want now is work, so we intend to execute appropriate policies in a timely manner by taking these matters into consideration as well. a person who has some training in a job such as teaching or law, but does not have all the qualifications to be … He pumped his arms hard, ignoring the cries of three men as they fell into pits or were snapped up by traps with iron teeth. The cries list of example sentences with cries. 15. "mama" or "dada"). A native of Hong Kong, Fei Long is a tribute to Bruce Lee, complete with the loud battle cries and vocalizations to accompany his kung fu maneuvers. The earliest extant account of a liturgical celebration of Palm Sunday is that given in the Peregrinatio Silviae (Eleutheriae),' which dates from the 4th century and contains a detailed account of the Holy Week ceremonies at Jerusalem by a Spanish lady of rank The actual festival began at one o'clock with a service in the church on the Mount of Olives; at three o'clock clergy and people went in procession, singing hymns, to the scene of the Ascension; two hours of prayer, singing and reading of appropriate Scriptures followed, until, at five o'clock the reading of the passage from the Gospel telling how "the children with olive branches and palms go to meet the Lord, and cry: ` Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord '" gave the signal for the crowd to break up, and, carrying branches of olive and palm, to conduct the bishop, in eo typo quo tune Dominus deductus est, 2 with cries of "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord!". Crybaby definition is - one who cries or complains easily or often. At many camps, the songs are traditionally sung around the campfire (known as campfire songs or cries) as well as throughout the camp. She cries as she gets maximum sentence for helping ex-boyfriend hide fiancee’s murder Krystal Lee Kenney drove 12 hours to clean the bloody condo of Kelsey Berreth Share this: She is the one I'm sorriest for. She was dancing while someone substituted at the piano. He heard supernatural voices proclaiming mercy to the faithful, vengeance on the guilty, and mighty cries that the wrath of God was at hand. I think both of these are grammatical but carry different meanings. Until that moment, both of her parents were having risky surgery and on the border line to death - Selena: * cries cries and cries * Demi what i'm going to do i can'tn live without my parents! The girl who cries when she chips a nail is going to fight vampires? 3. The situation may become a vicious cycle: the people caring for the baby become worried, anxious, or depressed, and the baby can sense their emotions and cries more. The last of my cries faded. So before your mother cries at the mere mention of your wedding day plans, share your ideas with her, and you may find her not only wanting to go with you to browse through punk dresses, but attempting to find a punk mom dress for herself. LITTLE BROTHERS OF THE AIR OLIVE THORNE MILLER. Harrison's canvass was conspicuous for the immense Whig processions and mass meetings, the numerous " stump " speeches (Harrison himself addressing meetings at Dayton, Chillicothe, Columbus and other places), and the use of campaign songs, of party insignia, and of campaign cries (such as " Tippecanoe and Tyler too "); and in the election he won by an overwhelming majority of 234 electoral votes to 60 cast for Van Buren. Everyone in America has likely seen the commercial with the elderly lady who cries, "I've fallen and I can't get up.". 2. In a temperate and learned speech, based on Fox's declaration against constitution-mongering, he supported both the enfranchising and the disfranchising clauses, and easily disposed of the cries of "corporation robbery," "nabob representation," "opening for young men of talent," &c. The following year (1832) found Campbell solicitor-general, a knight and member for Dudley, which he represented till 1834. " If the infant cries, he or she may just need to take a nap. I heard cries, supplications, moaning, and shots. 56 31 The cries from the gates ceased. The child cries or gasps, forcibly exhales, stops breathing, and turns either blue (cyanotic form) or pale (pallid form). The baby has been crying all morning. Why won't the whimpering whippoorwill whistle? were heard in the crowd), said that "hell must be repulsed by hell," and that he had seen a child smiling at lightning flashes and thunderclaps, but "we will not be that child.". Learn more. 例文帳に追加 And cries of horror were heard in the crowd. Did he brag about specific cries when you were cellmates? Once again He cries: " I am come a Light into the world, that whoso believeth in Me should not abide in darkness.". His guard hadn't lowered; it crashed as he let himself experience every part of her body, her cries and the passionate spirit that held him captive on the beach. He was silent while the branches overhead hissed and rasped against one another and the cries of distant birds drifted to her. In the old times birds were protected by the native belief that divine messages were conveyed by bird cries, and by royal edict forbidding the killing of species furnishing the material for feather cloaks, contributions towards which were long almost the only taxes paid. Failing to replace the pacifier after the baby cries or spits it out can be a good method for breaking the pacifier habit. Cries of anguish escaped the mouths of the shocked people. How To Use Cries In a Sentence – Cries sentence in English is simple to make. It may be that the parents simply can't stand to hear their babies' woeful cries. The hare in its extremity cries like a child. Grunting and pushing is one thing, but a child who cries or gets upset when trying to pass a bowel movement is obviously in need of some help. Or pain sentence in English is simple to make reparation for the and... Recognized ( cries of anguish burst from within deep whooping sobs racked his.... 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Know their baby, they become experts in understanding the baby 's cries tents now! There they were hunted up and fed by the general tumult historial usage old wolf, saw! The banister and sung the general tumult subject of local by-laws, which out!